Visitor Visas

Visitor visa application requirements are as follows:

1. Application form J must be completed in duplicate.
2. Copies of the personal pages of the passport must be presented. For multiple entry visas, on arrival the passport itself must also be presented to the Immigration Department to be stamped.
3. Two passport sized photographs
4. Evidence of residence if the applicant is staying in a country other than your place of birth.
5. All persons travelling on standard passports, even if on government or official business should expect to pay the visa fee of US$100 (single entry) or US$200 (multiple entry), unless otherwise notified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. N.B. Holders of diplomatic or official passports are granted visa gratis.

Average processing time for visitor visas is three weeks.

Countries whose citizens require a visa for entry to Barbados are as follows (click the arrow to reveal a full list): 

Afghanistan Chad Guatemala Libya New Caledonia Serbia/Montenegro
China1 Guinea Bissau Macau Niger Slovak Rep.
Andorra Comoros Is. Guinea Macedonia Oman Somalia
Angola Congo2 Haiti Madagascar Pakistan Sudan
Bahrain Cook Is. Honduras Marshall Is. Palau Is. Syria
Benin Cote D’ Ivoire India Micronesia Papua New Guinea Taiwan
Indonesia Monaco Paraguay Thailand
Bolivia Domin. Republic Iran3 Mongolia Phillipines Togo
Bosnia Herzegovina Ecuador Iraq Montenegro Qatar UAE6
Burkina Faso Egypt Jordan Morocco Reunion Vietnam
Burundi El Salvador Korea (N.) Mozambique Rwanda Yemen Republic
Cambodia Equat. Guinea Kuwait Myanmar Samao5  
Cameroon Eritrea Laos4 Namibia Sao Tome & Principe  
Cape Verde Is. Ethiopia Lebanon Nauru Saudi Arabia  
Central African Rep. Gabon Liberia Nepal Senegal  


1People’s Republic, Including Macau And Hong Kong
2Democratic Republic of
3Islamic Rep. of
4People’s Democratic Republic
6United Arab Emirates