Embassies and Consulates
Austria|+1 (246) 427 3131|Austria Honorary Consul, Knowlton Exeter, Road Navy Gardens, Christ Church**
Bahamas|+1 (246) 424 5082|Bahamas Hon. Consulate,102 Husbands Heights, St. James**
Belgium |+1 (246) 435 7704|Consulate of Belgium, Rockley Resort, Christ Church**
Brazil|+1 (246) 427 1735 / 435-2113|Embassy of Brazil, HY Brasil, The Courtyard, Hastings, Christ Church**
British High Commission|+1 (246) 430 7800|British High Commission, British High Commission Building, Lower Collymore Rock, St. Michael|britishhcb@sunbeach.net**
Canada|+1 (246) 429 3550|Canadian High Commission, Bishop's Court Hill, St. Michael|enqserv@international.gc.ca, international.gc.ca**
Chile|+1 (246) 429 6305|Chile Hon. Consul General, Atlantis Building, Shallow Draft, Bridgetown**
China|+1 (246) 435 6890|Embassy of the People's Repub. of China, 17 Golf View Terrace, Rockley, Christ Church|bb.chineseembassy.org**
Cuba|+1 (246) 435 2769|Embassy of the Repub. of Cuba, Palm View, Erdiston Drive, St. Michael**
Denmark|+1 (246) 271 4397|Consulate of Denmark, Building 1, Upstairs Newton Industrial Park, Newton, Christ Church**
European Union|+1 (246) 434 8501|European Union Delegation to Barbados & the Eastern Caribbean, Mervue House Marine Gardens, Christ Church |delegation-barbados@ec.europa.eu, dellbrb.ec.europa.eu**
Germany|+1 (246) 427 1876|Consulate Hon. of the Fed. Repub. of Germany, Suite 1 Pasea Financial Centre, Christ Church**
Guyana|+1 (246) 537 2767 Fax: +1 (246) 537-2776/2779 | Guyana Consul General: Cita Pilgrim Address: 'Harbour View House' Highgate Park, Collymore Rock St. Michael Email: guyanaconsulate.bb@mission.gov.gy
Italy|+1 (246) 437 1228|Consulate of Italy, Bannatyne Plantation, Christ Church**
Israel|+1 (246) 426 4764|Israel Hon. Consul General, Palmetto Street, Bridgetown**
Mexico|+1 (246) 431 0070|Mexican Consulate, Chancery House, High Street, Bridgetown**
Netherlands|+1 (246) 436 1130|The Netherlands Consulate, Atlantis Building, The Shallow Draft, Bridgetown**
Sweden|+1 (246) 435 7051|Consulate of Sweden, Worthing Main Road, Worthing, Christ Church**
Switzerland|+1 (246) 425 3281|Consulate of the Swiss Embassy, 24 Cane Garden Heights, St. Thomas**
USA|+1 (246) 227 4000|Embassy of the USA, Wildey Business Pk, Wildey, St. Michael|consularbridge2@state.gov, bridgetown.usembassy.gov**
Venezuela|+1 (246) 435 7619|Embassy of Venezuela, Hastings Main Road, Christ Church**